What to Consider When Choosing a Facility Transcript
Inspiring music plays.
Scenery: Universal Health Corporation logo appears on a white background, then fades away. A blonde woman in a navy blue dress stands in front of a black fence surrounded by greenery. On screen text reads: Shelley Basinger.
Shelley Basinger: It’s a conversation we sometimes avoid, but it’s so important to think about long-term care now before an emergency arises for you or a family member.
Scenery: A man in a white lab coat appears on screen next to Shelley.
Shelley Basinger: I’m joined now by Dr. Brochero from Universal Health. When selecting a skilled nursing facility or a long-term care facility, what is one important question that you want people to consider?
On screen text reads: Dr. Alfonso Brochero.
Dr. Brochero: The most important question for families and patients to consider is: who is your healthcare team? Your healthcare team is going to help you achieve the goals that you set for yourself to succeed in these centers.
Shelley Basinger: And we hear “plan of care”, “goals of care” a lot in the medical community. What does that phrase mean and why is it important?
On screen text reads: For more information: (540) 769-3964
Dr. Brochero: That is very important. The goals of care provide your healthcare team to be able to achieve the success that you are looking for.
Shelley Basinger: Great things to think about. So, consider your options now before a time of crisis.
Scenery: Universal Health Corporation logo appears on a white background.
On screen text: UHCVirginia.com (540) 769-3964
Inspiring music ends.